Polar Regions News Roundup W/C 13th May 2024

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Polar Regions News

Your weekly Polar news roundup

Helping you stay informed of the latest developments in climate change, environmental conservation, scientific research, geopolitical dynamics, economic opportunities and indigenous rights in the Polar Regions.

13th May 2024

Ice dives, walrus snaps and whale encounters: the man telling extreme stories of an Arctic at risk

An inquisitive walrus filmed with remotely operated vehicle (ROV) in Svalbard, 2023. Photograph: Antoine Drancey/Barba

Discover the dramatic photos of Andreas B. Heide, whose work underlines the importance of conservation in the extreme north.

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‘I’m a blue whale, I’m here’: researchers listen with delight to songs that hint at Antarctic resurgence

Antarctic blue whales were heard increasingly often in the Southern Ocean from 2006 to 2021, according to a new paper. Photograph: Australian Antarctic Division

Centuries of industrial whaling left only a few hundred Antarctic blue whales alive, making it almost impossible to find them in the wild. New research suggests the population may be recovering.

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Plastic pollution talks end & Arctic peoples return home to a ‘sink’ of plastic

Arctic huskies

In the wake of the plastics treaty talks in Ottawa, a new report highlights the severe impacts of plastics and petrochemicals on Arctic Indigenous communities.

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Antarctic ice shelves are fracturing from meltwater weight

Melting pools of water on ice shelf

As the world witnesses the impacts of a warming climate, Antarctic ice shelves face a precarious future. Recent research led by the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) has uncovered alarming evidence on how these ice structures are not just bending under pressure but are actively fracturing.

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The Arctic Congress: Only Half of the Arctic Will Convene in Northern Norway: "A Sensitive Topic"

Grete Hovelsrud is the president of IASSA - Arctic Social Sciences Association and will be part of organizing the Arctic Congress in May. (Photo: Grete Hovelsrud)

At the end of May, three Arctic conferences are combined to form the Arctic Congress. Around 1,500 researchers, policymakers, businesses, and students will gather in Bodø, Northern Norway, but half of the Arctic will be absent as sanctions against Russia continue to restrict Arctic research cooperation.

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Have you read our latest Polar Notes article? See below for the most recent publication on the APPG Polar Regions website.

Polar Note: South Georgia - Celebrating Five Years Rat Free

Baiting helicopter at South Georgia

Polar Notes is a fortnightly feature, published by the All Party Parliamentary Group for the Polar Regions, looking at a current polar issue or topic of conversation in more depth.

Our newest article, authored by South Georgia Heritage Trust CEO, Alison Neil, looks at the trust’s ambitious rodent eradication programme: from its inception in the mid-2000s, the initial trials in 2010-11 to the success of the island’s rodent-free status in 2018. This world-leading programme is a story of how amazing things can happen when people and organisations with the same aim work together.

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